1. Sf in English. The first serious Canadian sf work was James DE MILLE's posthumously published A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder (1888 US). In this UTOPIAN satire, set in a LOST WORLD, Western values are inverted (criminals are regarded as diseased, the ill are imprisoned, dying is deemed more desirable than living). Successors of De Mille were Grant ALLEN and Robert BARR (the latter Scottish-born), expatriate Canadian writers who published early sf in London and New York rather than in Montreal or Toronto.Many major Canadian literary figures have written some fantasy or sf. Sir Charles G.D. ROBERTS was the author of In the Morning of Time (1919 UK), a well presented prehistoric romance. In "The Great Feud", assembled in Titans, and Other Epics of the Pliocene (coll 1926 UK), E.J. Pratt (1882-1964) created a long narrative poem set in prehistoric Australasia. The popular humorist Stephen LEACOCK included short sf SATIRES in The Iron Man and the Tin Woman, with Other Such Futurities (coll 1929 US) and Afternoons in Utopia (coll 1932 US). A curious and powerful critique of modern society by Prairie novelist Frederick Philip GROVE is Consider Her Ways (written 1913-23; 1947), which describes the march of 10,000 worker ants across the North American continent, including how they spend their last winter in the poetry section of the New York Public Library.Among Canadian contributors to US PULP MAGAZINES were H. BEDFORD-JONES, John L. Chapman, Leslie A. Croutch (1915-1969), Chester D. Cuthbert, Francis FLAGG, Thomas P. KELLEY and Cyril G. Wates. Import restrictions during WWII created a climate for the so-called CanPulps - original and reprint pulp magazines with idiosyncratic editorial features. A.E. VAN VOGT, the Manitoba-born mainstay of the GOLDEN AGE OF SF, wrote 600,000 words of sf (notably "Black Destroyer", the Weapon Shops stories and SLAN) in Canada before moving to Los Angeles in 1944. Other notable expatriates are Laurence MANNING and Gordon R. DICKSON.Contemporary MAINSTREAM authors have contributed fantastic literature. Irish-born Brian MOORE published sf in Catholics (1972 UK), fantasy in The Great Victorian Collection (1975) and supernatural horror in The Mangan Inheritance (1979). William Weintraub dramatized the plight of Montreal's Anglophone minority in a sovereign Francophone Quebec in his biting satire The Underdogs (1979). Hugh MACLENNAN's Voices in Time (1980) is an ambitious, impressive, multi-levelled study of social breakdown in post- HOLOCAUST Montreal. DISASTER remains the sole theme of Richard ROHMER, lawyer, commissioner, general and author of fast-moving novels about near-future threats to national sovereignty, ecology, etc.Gwendolyn MacEwen (1941-1987), Margaret ATWOOD and Phyllis GOTLIEB, in addition to writing memorable prose, have composed vivid sf poems (POETRY) tinged with fantasy and horror; in particular, MacEwen's poetry collection The Armies of the Moon (coll 1972) deserves an international readership, as do her stories assembled in Noman (coll 1972) and Noman's Land (coll 1985). Atwood's THE HANDMAID'S TALE (1985), diffidently filmed by director Volker Schlondorff in 1990 (The HANDMAID'S TALE), is the most influential and internationally known sf novel written by a Canadian. But "Canada's premier sf novelist" during the 1960-80 formative period in the genre's growth, according to critic David KETTERER, was Phyllis Gotlieb. Her first novel, Sunburst (1964 US), appears on high-school curricula, and mainstream anthologists have reprinted her short fictions, notably those in Son of the Morning and Other Stories (coll 1983 US); yet she remains better known at home as a poet. One reason is that her prose is demanding, intricate and psychologically probing; it frequently focuses on the problems of telepathic beings and intelligent animals.High artistic and professional standards were set in the 1970s by immigrants to Canada: Michael G. CONEY, Monica HUGHES and Edward LLEWELLYN from the UK, and William GIBSON, Crawford KILIAN, Donald KINGSBURY, Judith MERRIL, Spider ROBINSON and Robert Charles WILSON from the USA. Merril, the country's leading "sf personality", has been active in promoting FEMINISM (a sense of gender) and sf (a SENSE OF WONDER) among mainstream writers and educators (see also MERRIL COLLECTION OF SCIENCE FICTION, SPECULATION AND FANTASY).The first national sf anthology was Other Canadas (anth 1979) ed John Robert COLOMBO; it gives historical representation to stories, novel excerpts, poems, film scripts and criticism. John Bell and Lesley Choyce anthologized past and present fiction from the Atlantic region in Visions from the Edge (anth 1981). Merril edited Tesseracts (anth 1985), the first collection of current Canadian sf writing in English with some translations from French; Phyllis Gotlieb and Douglas BARBOUR compiled Tesseracts(2) (anth 1987), and Candas Jane DORSEY and Gerry Truscott Tesseracts(3) (anth 1990). In the main, Canadian sf in English is more literary, concerned with COMMUNICATION, and less high-tech than most US sf. Characters and settings specifically identified as Canadian began to appear in genre fiction in the 1980s, a development notable in the novels of fantasists like Charles DE LINT, Guy Gavriel Kay and Tanya Huff. The Bunch of Seven, a Toronto-based group including Huff and expanded to nine writers in all, is most notable for the fiction, including SHARED-WORLDS fiction, of Shirley Meier, Karen Wehrstein and S.M. STIRLING. Among the Toronto (and Ontario) sf writers of achievement are Wayland DREW, Terence M. GREEN, Robert J. SAWYER and Andrew WEINER. Especially active in Alberta are Candas Jane Dorsey and J. Brian Clarke. Among the critics in Montreal who contribute to SCIENCE-FICTION STUDIES are Darko SUVIN, David Ketterer, Robert M. PHILMUS and Marc Angenot. Other influential critics include Douglas Barbour of Edmonton, the late Susan WOOD of Vancouver and the expatriate John CLUTE.Toronto has hosted two world sf CONVENTIONS, in 1948 and 1973. Each year the designated national convention hosts the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Achievement Awards, known as Caspers 1980-90 but then retitled the Auroras to avoid further association with Casper the Friendly Ghost, a US cartoon character. The first Casper - nicknamed the Coeurl because of its catlike appearance - was awarded to A.E. van Vogt, in whose "Black Destroyer" (1939) the original Coeurl appeared. The Speculative Writers Association of Canada, founded by Dorsey and others in Edmonton in 1989, issues a bimonthly newsletter called SWACCESS. Ketterer's Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy (1992 US) surveys the field as a whole, covering both French- and English-language literatures. In it he estimated that there were in all about 1200 works of Canadian sf and fantasy.
   2. Sf in French. The great majority of Francophone sf authors live in Quebec; there are very few in other provinces. Quebec sf can be divided into two periods. Before 1974 there was no sf published under that label, although Jules-Paul TARDIVEL's Pour la Patrie (1895; trans as For My Country 1975) was a UTOPIA set in a 1945 Quebec. Some established MAINSTREAM authors (like Yves Theriault [1915-] and Michel Tremblay [1942-]) occasionally touched on the themes of GENRE SF and FANTASY. Such works ranged from 19th-century voyages extraordinaires in the Jules- VERNE tradition to adventure novels with sf trappings; some juvenile sf was also published in the 1950s and 1960s. Despite these, no true sf tradition existed and no lasting sf FANDOM had been established.In 1974 Norbert Spehner began publishing the FANZINE Requiem, which rapidly grew into a literary magazine centred on sf and fantasy, publishing fiction as well as essays and reviews and becoming the focus for a nascent sf milieu. In 1979 Requiem became SOLARIS, while another important magazine, imagine . . ., was created by Jean-Marc Gouanvic, followed as editor by Catherine Saouter, Gouanvic again and, in 1990, Marc Lemaire. Meanwhile, in 1983, Spehner had passed SOLARIS on to a collective led by E

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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