- US monthly nonfiction magazine about sf (and fantasy) in the media, largely films and tv, founded 1976, current; small- BEDSHEET, saddle-stapled; publishers have included O'Quinn Studios and Starlog Communications, New York; editors have included Howard Zimmerman and DavidMcDonnell.This magazine aimed at the juvenile market has been a success (circulation around quarter of a million), and has generated spin-off books and posters and various companion magazines, including Fangoria (mainstream horror) and Gorezone (cult horror and SPLATTER MOVIES).Indeed, the horror companions have been livelier than S, which makes heavy use of studio publicity pictures; in order to maintain good relationships with the studios S does not review current films and is undiscriminating throughout. Many of its articles are interviews with actors. That said, the sheer volume of material these magazines have published makes them a useful resource for researchers seeking production details, tv episode guides and so forth. David GERROLD has been a columnist for S. A somewhat more adult (on average) UK version of the same sort of magazine is STARBURST, and a much more adult US magazine about fantastic film isCINEFANTASTIQUE. \#214 in early 1995 was the 19th anniversary issue. A recent spin-off is Starlog Platinum Edition, which had reached \#8 by early 1995.PN
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.