Film (1987). Amercent/American Entertainment/20th Century-Fox. Dir John McTiernan, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Elpidia Carrillo, Bill Duke. Screenplay Jim Thomas, John Thomas. 106 mins. Colour.
   A special-forces group undertaking a commando-style rescue mission in South America clashes bloodily with guerrillas and then very much more bloodily with the Predator: an intelligent ALIEN that can bend light to make itself almost invisible. The alien picks them off one by one, losing only to the Schwarzenegger character, by now reduced to primitive combat. The blend of the jungle-warfare (or Vietnam) scenario with the alien-INVASION genre is potentially interesting, but the treatment follows a wholly predictable pattern. Moreover on the evidence presented, the alien should have won.
   See also: MONSTER MOVIES.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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