Australian SEMIPROZINE, published from North Perth, Western Australia, by Eidolon Publications, quarterly (but later somewhat irregular) from \#1, Autumn 1990 (published in May 1990), current, 16 issues to early 1995, ed Jeremy G. Byrne, Keira McKenzie, Robin Pen, Richard Scriven, Jonathan Strahan, Chris Stronach to \#6 (Oct 1991), thereafter only Byrne, Scriven and Strahan.This elegant, A5 desk-top published perfect-bound magazine has the appearance of an academic critical journal, but in fact publishes mainly sf/fantasy fiction, with some articles and reviews. It is available through subscription rather than from newsstands. E has had surprising success, with fiction on the whole superior to that of its east-coast rival, AUREALIS, and won a 1991 Ditmar (AWARDS) for Best Fanzine/Semiprozine. It has published stories by Harlan ELLISON, George TURNER, Terry DOWLING, Greg EGAN, Leanne Frahm, Rosaleen LOVE, Philippa Maddern and Sean MCMULLEN, among others.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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  • Eidolon — may refer to:* Eidolon (astral double), a Greek concept of a shade or astral double of a living being * The Eidolon , a computer game from the 1980s by Lucasfilm Games * Eidolon Software, a software company that caters to NextStep and Mac OS X… …   Wikipedia

  • Eidolon — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el videojuego, véase The Eidolon. Un eidolon (en griego «ειδωλον»; imagen, fantasma, aparición), según la mitología griega y la teosofía, es una copia astral de un difunto. Los antiguos griegos imaginaban el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Eidolon — bedeutet: eine Gattung der Rosettenflughunde, siehe Eidolon (Gattung) The Eidolon, ein Computerspiel von Lucasfilm Games (1984) eine kanadische Power Metal Band, siehe Eidolon (Band) ein Album der deutschen Black Metal Band Dark Fortress, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • eidolon — 1828, from Gk. eidolon (see IDOL (Cf. idol)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • eidolon — [ī dō′lən] n. pl. eidolons or eidola [ī dō′lə] [Gr eidōlon, an image: see IDOL] 1. an image without real existence; phantom; apparition ☆ 2. an ideal person or thing eidolic [īdäl′ik] adj …   English World dictionary

  • Eidolon — Ei*do lon, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? image. See {Idol}.] An image or representation; a form; a phantom; an apparition. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • eidolon — index phantom, specter Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Eidolon — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Eidolon est un terme grec (εἴδωλον), traduit entre autres par simulacre ou fantôme. Il désigne aussi : Eidolon, un genre de chauve souris ; Les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • eidolon — noun /aɪˈdəʊlən,aɪˈdoʊlɑn/ a) An image or representation of an idea; a representation of an ideal form; an apparition of some actual or imaginary entity, or of some aspect of reality. As a species it is extinct; as an eidolon it retains its… …   Wiktionary

  • Eidolon — palminiai vaisėdžiai šikšnosparniai statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas gentis apibrėžtis Gentyje 1 rūšis. Paplitimo arealas – tropinė Azija, Madagaskaras ir P. V. Azija. atitikmenys: lot. Eidolon angl. eidolon fruit bats;… …   Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

  • eidolon — noun (plural eidolons or eidola) Etymology: Greek eidōlon more at idol Date: 1828 1. an unsubstantial image ; phantom 2. ideal …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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