- US PULP MAGAZINE, pulp-size Mar 1933-Dec 1943, DIGEST-size Jan 1944-Sep/Oct 1948, pulp-size Winter 1948-Summer 1949. 181 issues Mar 1933-Summer 1949. Monthly until Feb 1947, then 4 bimonthly issues, then quarterly from Winter 1948. Published by STREET \& SMITH; ed John NANOVIC 1933-43. DS was perhaps the best of the sf-oriented pulp-hero magazines. Each issue had a novel published under the pseudonym Kenneth Robeson, and many contained short adventure stories as well; a considerable majority of the novels were the work of Lester DENT (whom see, and especially ROBESON for further Doc Savage details). The most usual sf elements were superscientific WEAPONS and visits to LOST WORLDS; TELEPORTATION featured once. A master SCIENTIST, almost superhuman in intelligence and strength, Doc Savage was actually Clark Savage, the "Man of Bronze"- the surname is a Street \& Smith homage to Colonel Richard Henry Savage, an early contributor to the firm's journals; the given name is from Clark Gable. The success of the series led to imitations, most notably SUPERMAN, whose debt to DS is evident in his name - Clark Kent, the "Man of Steel".FHP/MJE
Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. Academic. 2011.