(vt Danger: Diabolik)
   Film (1967). Dino De Laurentiis/Marianne. Dir Mario Bava, starring John Phillip Law, Marisa Mell, Michel Piccoli, Adolfo Celi, Terry-Thomas. Screenplay Bava, Dino Maiuri, Adriano Baracco, Brian Degas, Tudor Gates, based on fumetti by Luciana and Angela Giussani. 105 mins, cut to 88 mins. Colour.
   This Italian/French coproduction is one of Di Laurentiis's several attempts to film sf COMIC strips, others being BARBARELLA (1967) and FLASH GORDON (1980). Law plays a stylish supercriminal, after the style of Fantomas, the fictional antihero of several thrillers, beginning with Fantomas (1913-14); he attempts to steal the entire gold reserves and destroy all the tax records of his country. He is caught at the denouement in a shower of radiactive molten gold, becoming his own memorial. Directed with visual panache and a sense of fun by Bava, D is futuristic but only marginally sf.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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