ALTOV, Genrikh

ALTOV, Genrikh
   Pseudonym of Russian writer and sf critic Henrikh (Saulovich) Altschuller (1926-); a trained engineer, he has registered dozens of patents. His unpublished Altov's Register is a mammoth catalogue of sf ideas, topics and situations. His three collections of sf stories, some written with his wife Valentina Zhuravlyova, Legendy O Zviozdnykh Kapitanakh Legends of the Star Captains (coll 1961), Opaliaiuschii Razum The Scorching Mind (coll 1968) and Sozdan Dlia Buri Created for Thunder (coll 1970), represent the best of the Soviet style of brainstorming HARD SF. Some of these tales were assembled in Ballad of the Stars (anth trans Roger DeGaris 1982 US), which GA ed with Zhuravlyova.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Encyclopedia. . 2011.

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